Friday, May 20, 2011

Rose image #01

Well the day has arrived. The 65 Roses countdown has come to an end with rose image #1. I can't believe I started this 65 days ago and mostly I can't believe I stuck to it...uploading a new photo of Andrea every day. I can't even stick to diet this long! I won't lie, it's been a tad stressful but mostly it's been a lot of fun. And the biggest thing that came out of all the efforts put forth from all our supporters is surpassing the $20,000 goal.

Yes, in just a mere four months, Andrea's angels raised over $21,000 for Great Strides 2011. This is the first time that this amount of money was raised in such a short period of time. We couldn't have done it with out the support of so many people who love and care for Andrea and want nothing more than to see her live a life full of happiness and good health.

Thank you 'angels'! You totally outdid yourselves and we are truly moved. I think this photo is a great way to end the countdown...don't you?

Love, love, love,
The Riders

Rose image #02

02 days left for our Great Strides walk in Des Moines, Iowa. And here's the close up of rose image #02.

This image is one of two and goes with image #1 that will come tomorrow. Please check this one out and keep in mind that a second message follows.

Click here if you'd like to see the full image.
